view Stop Racism [OPINION] Turkey drifting away from the West because of the lack of the rule of law 21/03/2019 Turkey’s scoreboard of massive human rights violations looks ever worst even after two and a half year since the failed coup. Once a…
view Stop Racism [OPINION] Turkey suffering from the lack of the rule of law 31/01/2019 Turkey has been going through a catastrophic period since the Gezi protests in June 2013 and launch of a corruption probe into President…
view BRUSSELS TALKS Stop Racism [INTERVIEW] Matthias Zimmer (CDU): Warum nicht auch eine Freie Türkische Universität in Deutschland? 09/09/2018 Prof. Dr. Matthias Zimmer (CDU) ist seit Oktober 2009 Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages. Er ist ordentliches Mitglied in den Ausschüssen „Arbeit und Soziales“…
view Stop Racism [OPINION] Diyarbakır’s Tragedy Displays AKP’s Distaste for Multiculturalism -1 12/03/2018 [dropcap size=big]D[/dropcap]iyarbakır is a city unlike any other in Turkey. With the second longest set of historic walls in the world that enclose…
view Stop Racism [INTERVIEW] Peace Petition Signatory Prof. Mehmet Ugur: “Regime in Turkey poses a serious security threat for ordinary Europeans” 29/01/2018 We have published first and second part of our interview with prof. Mehmet Ugur, a member of Academics for Peace Initiative, which received…