Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF), an international civil society organization dedicated to culture of peace, human rights, and sustainable development, has released a report on the state of children against the witch hunt run by the Turkish gov’t.The findings of the report reveal a disturbing pattern of human rights abuses against innocent children in Turkey and abroad. By the end of August 2017, six hundred sixty-eight (668) children under the age of six are in jails across Turkey with their mothers; hundreds of children living abroad are born stateless because the Turkish consulates do not provide them with passports or national IDs. The authorities in Turkey have also begun to remove children from their relatives if the parents are of being the supporters of the attempted coup.
The report aims to highlight and raise awareness about the plight of thousands of children in Turkey and abroad subject to discrimination on several grounds prohibited by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It also briefly discusses the current situation, intentional violations of the rights of the children in Turkey and offers recommendations to the government of Turkey.