I do not know this dismissed judge, named Tarik. Mr. Tarik sent me a letter about a month ago and I published it in my blog. Now he sent me another, updated and more detailed letter re prison conditions of purged judges and prosecutors, below. Anyone wanted to get in touch with him please do write me and put you in touch. His letter is below:
This an article from my dismissed Turkish judge colleague regarding inhuman treatment against imprisoned judges and prosecutors;
“…I would like to inform you about some unlawful treatments against judges and prosecutors in Turkey. After 15 July coup in Turkey, roughly 3.650 (%27 of total number of judges and prosecutors) judges and prosecutors were dismissed from their profession. Then majority of them were arrested without any reasonable evidence. After taking them into prisons, judges and prosecutors have been subjecting to brutual treatments. Conditions in prisons become worse day bay day. Since all allegations against judges are baseless, Turkish Government torture judges in order to find out some evidence in terms of justiftying their unlawful procedures. Here some unlawful examples of bad treatments against judges and prosecutors after 15 th July.
Government put judges in cells in order to force them to slander or blame anyone to find evidences and use them in empty indictments. Many judges are in cells for days and no one raises his voice. It firstly started with Sincan (ANKARA) prison, then spread other cities. Nowadays there are in some cities’ prisons judges and prosecutors are in cells: Ankara (Sincan Prison), Istanbul (Silivri prison), Keskin/Kırıkkale, Ereğli/Konya, Osmaniye, Iskenderun, Gaziantep, Akşehir, etc.
According to victims families’s explenation, judges and prosecutors in systematic torture in cells and this brutual treatment is using with the government unwritten orders. Otherway any prison administration can not dare to do this, because this implementation started after 15 th of July.
Some concrete examples of cells or solitary confinements:
These are last current examples regarding solidarity confinement againist high judges;
1.According to Ismail Saymaz’s report in Hurriyet daily journal, Nesibe Ozer, an imprisoned judge, who used to be second department chief of High Council of Judges and Prosecutors, began hunger strike against holding her in cell in Istanbul Bakırkoy Female Prison.
Based of her lawyer statement, Nesibe Ozer has been put in a cell alone since 9 September.
The Ozer began hunger strike because of not to responding her petition. It is the report at the side: http://odatv.com/hsyk-2.- daire-baskani-nesibe-ozer- aclik-gre…
2. And another tragical report about a member of Turkey’s Council of State, Ibrahim Gunenc was a member of Turkey’s Council of State, he has been in custody for about 2 months, has said he hadn’t seen another human being for weeks until former Republican People’s Party (CHP) d
https://www.turkishminute. com/2016/09/27/detained- council-st
3.Hüseyin Aygün, lawyer, former deputy of main opposition party (CHP, Republican People’s Party) tweeted similar story in his social media account (@HuseyinAygun62) that, “Ali KAYA, the project manager of UYAP (e-Justice) system, many times internationally awarded, member of High Council of Election and member of 21. Chamber of Court of Cassation has been taken in cell in Sincan Prison.”
4.Again, Hüseyin Aygün shared; “Judge Suat SONAY, has been taken in cell 22. days in Sincan T Type Prison. In Sincan Prison at least 60 judges and prosecutors has been taken in cells for weeks.”
5. Another report from Huseyin Aygun, Erdal Tercan who was member of the Constitutional Court, also in cell for one week.
6.Another twit from Huseyin Aygun; “102 Memebers of Court of Cassation and Member of Council of State transferrced to Keskin in order to put them into cells on 9th Oct. Cells are full in debris and building sand. Justices Muharrem Karayol, Muzaffer Özdemir, Mine Kaya, Muzaffer Karadağ, Mustafa Akarsu, Hüsamettin Uğur, Burhan Alıcı are some of them. They were first forced to confess, and jailed to solidarity confinement. This is particularly mental torture.” https://mobile.twitter.com/ HuseyinAygun62/status/ 78585917136… and http://tsjustice.info/ wordpress/2016/10/13/tweets- huseyin-ay…
7.Another mental torture (solitary confinement) victim is Ayse Nese GUL, one of the candidates for member of High Council of Judges and Presecutors elections in 2014 and got %40 votes, judge in Edirne, unfortunately she and also her husband who was also a judge were both arrested without reasonable evidence after coup attemp, but worser than this, ithas come to my notice that, it has been 28 days she is in cell, and she is being held just for her statement. https://mobile.twitter.com/ TurkeyObserved/status/ 78548695956…
8.Last information from judges’ relatives that Justice Ministry built cells for imprisoned judges in 3 months, firsty in Keskin and now in Gaziantep. Gaziantep L Type Prison put into service on September. Imprisoned 30 judges and prosecutors have been first to put in there. Isolated from the outside world. Some judges put into cells in Gaziantep are; Zeki VATAN, Mehmet ARSLANTAŞ, Hüseyin UĞURLU, Hüseyin BAŞ, Hüseyin GÖRÜŞEN, Davut BÜLBÜL, Nevzat YÖRÜK, Salih DAĞ, Mehmet Emin KURT, Ömer YILDIRIM, Selami CANDEMİR, Durdu KAVAK, Hasan KANLI, Emrullah AYCI.
1.HANGED PROSECUTORS: The Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ), European Association of Judges (EAJ), Judges for Judges and MEDEL issued a joint statement saying and ured Turkey to investigate every individual assertion of torture, especially the reported death of Seyfettin Yiğit, who was found hanged on Sept.16. http://turkeypurge.com/ european-judges-urge- investigation-in… Seyfettin Yiğit was blacklisted as opponent (means not to support pro-ruling party association calls YBP later YBD) at Judicial Election in 2014 and arrested after 15 th July 2016. http://tsjustice.info/ wordpress/2016/09/18/turkish- judges-pr…
2.16 WEEKS PREGNANT JUDGE: 16 weeks pregnant Judge was arrested and sees the doctor with hands cuffed. http://turkeypurge.com/judge- says-was-16-weeks-pregnant- when…
3.JUDGE FIGHT WITH CANCER IN PRISON: Judge with Cancer ilness try to withstand the harsh conditions of prison in Bursa. http://turkeypurge.com/ arrested-judge-fears-his- cancer-may-r….
4.PROSECUTOR FIGHT WITH CANCER: Ankara Ex-chief Prosecutor İbrahim Ethem Kuriş, investigated 1982 and 28 February coup probes and pro-ruling party Deniz Feneri Association corruption case, was arrested although he has been suffering more than 2 years with lung cancer. https://mobile.twitter.com/ RebHarms/status/ 78340801036229427…
5.BEATEN JUDGES: On 25 or 26 Agust, Thursday, at The Sincan L2 closed prison. In the Cabin where the judges are stay in, guardians came for the morning counting. the guardians take three judges to a room refer as BLUE ROOM and strip them , in the bule room the guardians beat them, and also insult them. Three judges are stayed in the blue room during weekend, on 29 Agust, Monday, a guardian named Serkan, take this judges from the blue room to another cabin but not their former cabin, as the order of management . The guardians beat and insult judges during three days. I learned thisevent another prison ‘s lawyer.
Unfortunately at the Sincan L2 closed prison this barbarous behaviours become ordinary, and for soldiers and polices, this behaviours are mercilessly.
Just two examples;
1.Seyfullah ÇAKMAK: He worked as prosecutor for 15 years and played a key role in judicial reform. After 15 July in like 3.650 judges and prosecutors, firstly his position suspended, then he has been arrested. He is in Kocaeli Prison now. He has two disable children who have genetic disease and they are in persistent vegetative state, they need permanent intensive health care in home and in hospital. His children cure cost, take much many and highly expensive. His children were benefited from their father’s health insurance which link to their father job. After Mr. Cakmak was arrested his bank account was freezed, his health insurance was canceled. His wife can not afford to look after two children alone. His wife and 2 disable children now in desperate conditions. https://mobile.twitter.com/ TurkeyObserved/status/ 78548756597…
2.Mustafa AKARSU: Arrested judge’s family under desperate condition by salary/assets confiscation, passpost revoking although appeal process has not finished yet against purge decision of Judicial Council. diplomacyhdnwashington. blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/wife- of-arrested-judge-they- arrested-my.html
Beside all of these voilation, Erdogan proclaimed that, state of emergency was extended for 3 more months. It means that human rights violation will go beyond, and fundamental human rights will continue to suspend, and solidary confinement, and brutal treatment in jails will spread more.
I kindly request your attention on this subject. It would be terrific if you ensure related EU missions visit to Turkey, and make sure they will observe the situation in Turkey in terms of stop human rights violation not only for judges but also for all human being…”
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