Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) of the European Parliament. The Subcommittee's main responsibilities include all matters relating to human rights, the protection of…
European Conservatives and Reformists is the third largest group in the European Parliament. ECR ideology for the right future for Europe is neither…
Knut Fleckenstein is member of the European Parliament from Germany. He is also a member of Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) and EP's…
We have published first and second part of our interview with prof. Mehmet Ugur, a member of Academics for Peace Initiative, which received…
First part of our interview with prof. Mehmet Ugur, a member of Academics for Peace Initiative, has received much attention.
Today we publish…
By Fernando Lozano, 27 January 2018 PART 1
[dropcap size=small]M[/dropcap]ehmet Ugur is Professor of Economics and Institutions and member of Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre (GPERC) at the Department of International Business and Economics, University of Greenwich.
Ugur is not only an expert on economy but also he is an activist and human rights defender.
He is…
[dropcap size=small]E[/dropcap]nes Kanter is not only the top earning Turkish professional basketball player but also the most expensive sports transfer in Turkish history. He plays for the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
Kanter wrote on the Players' Tribune earlier this year “You guys need to know what is going on in Turkey…
[dropcap size=big]B[/dropcap]arbaros Şansal is a Turkish fashion designer and activist. He studied Business Management at Marmara University and mastered in design and chromatics at the Royal…
Fernando Lozano- 18 December 2017
[dropcap size=big]I[/dropcap]t is not unknown the relations between Turkey and the European Union (EU) have significantly changed since the period of optimism.